At Hope Lutheran we share God’s unconditional love as we commit to being a welcoming place of compassion, safety, and racial equity where all members of our diverse community can worship and become involved. We celebrate and affirm persons of every gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, culture, race, political leanings, body type, marital status, education, and physical and mental ability. Whether your faith in God is strong, wavering, curious, or non-existent we seek joy, appreciation, and companionship in one another’s presence. Together we gather in communion with God, striving to grow in our faith so that we may go out and live God’s love in the world.
“For I am convinced that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor rulers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor anything else in all creation will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.”
(Romans 8: 38-39, NRSV)
Jesus tells us to do the work of understanding just how expansive God’s love is and how to live into and out from that love in this life together. At Hope Lutheran Church, we don’t have it all figured out yet, but we aim to extend the radical welcome of Jesus Christ to all who come to us and believe that the image of God’s love is made more complete as we come together to love one another and our neighbors.
You are welcome to become part of Hope in all ways. You are welcome to not only sit in the pews on Sunday morning but find other ways to engage with the community because this is how we grow in our faith and change how God’s love flows through us. This statement of welcome is a reflection of an inclusive and diverse congregation that understands that we are always reforming, always engaged in a dynamic relationship with a God who is calling us to love each other as we are all loved by God.
We are a Christian church living out our faith in the Lutheran tradition. This is a tradition that holds truth for us, but we also believe that God’s truth and wisdom are found in many traditions and expressions. If you have grown up in the church, have never stepped foot in a church, have backgrounds in other faith traditions or religions, or have been hurt by experiences within the church and are risking something in coming,
You are welcome here.
While our historical roots as a Lutheran church are in the German/Scandinavian-American tradition, we welcome people from all racial and ethnic heritages and experiences. We honor what each community brings in their understanding of the radical inclusiveness of God and are committed to racial equity. We acknowledge that our church is on the historical Common Hunting Ground of indigenous peoples and honor the path they show us in caring for this creation. Whatever your ethnic heritage, your experiences, or your racial identity,
You are welcome here.
We believe that Creator God is always creating and renewing life, calling creation good. We welcome and affirm people of all sexual orientations, gender identities and gender expressions. If you are straight, gay, lesbian, transgender, nonbinary, male, female, cisgender, bisexual, queer, intersex, asexual,
You are welcome here.
We are a community that honors the wholeness of persons who live in all kinds of bodies. If you are someone who lives with intellectual, developmental, physical, or emotional challenges, if you are small, large, or somewhere in between,
You are welcome here.
We believe that God demonstrates the importance of relationships through the relational nature of the Trinity. Relationships are both difficult and holy. If you are single, married, divorced, separated, partnered, or have lost a spouse; if you are adopted, estranged from significant others in your life, or have a chosen family,
You are welcome here.
We celebrate life at all ages and stages. If you are one day or 100 plus years old, in school, the middle of your career or unemployed, are someone who is dedicated to caring for your home and/or children or aging relatives, or are retired,
You are welcome here.
We believe that we are all saints and sinners, and that God redeems all of our experiences. If you have, or had, addictions, relapses, regrets, or a criminal record; if you carry shame or feel a sense of unworthiness,
You are welcome here.
We believe that God’s call to “do justice, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God” can be accomplished across, and apart from, the political spectrum. If you are Republican, Democrat, Green Party, Independent, Libertarian, not registered to vote, apolitical, or ineligible to vote,
You are welcome here.
And we believe there is joy in knowing one another and being the body of Christ! If you come in your Sunday best or workout clothes, cowboy boots or snow boots, or if you only have the clothes on your back; if you listen to rap, country music, or smooth jazz; if you arrive 15 minutes early or are late; if you get the giggles in church, take a more contemplative posture, or are the first one to get to the cookie table,
You are welcome here.
Who we are matters. We bring our full selves to this place, gathering around the table to be nourished in communion with God and with each other that we may go out and live God’s love in the world.
Welcome to Hope Lutheran Church!